You’ve been putting off that paper shredder purchase for a while now, even though the one you have might be jamming, noisy, or filling up just too fast.
Here are few reasons to consider upgrading your current shredder!!
- Current Paper Shredder Needs to Cool Down Too Often
When you’re shredding and you see that red light, you know your paper shredder needs a break. You may need to wait awhile until the machine cools down and is ready to shred again. If you’re using an office shredder, this can take a lot of time out of your work day.
- Current Paper Shredder Fills Up Too Quickly
When you first bought it, the paper shredder bin capacity was probably okay for your needs. Now you may notice that you are shredding more and more often. It seems like you do nothing but empty that bin. It may be time to get a paper shredder with larger bin capacity, just more room for more shreds like the HSM B32 below.
- Current Paper Shredder Jams
You may put up with paper jams, for awhile. Eventually tearing half-shredded sheets out of the cutters tries your patience. Select a personal shredder with 100% Jam Proof technology and say goodbye to paper jams.
- Current Paper Shredder is Just Too Loud
If you shred a little, a noisy shredder is a nuisance. If you shred a lot, then it becomes an aggravation. End that endless whirring and grinding that drives everybody at home or in the office crazy. Get an office shredder or a personal shredder with quiet performance features.
- Your Shredder only shreds paper!
In this modern society not all personal information is on paper. CD/DVDS are still used to keep lots of personal and business information.
You shouldn’t just throw these in the bin when finished with them as the information is easily accessed. Our HSM shredders come with a particle Cut And Separate CD cutting Unit for you to to dispose of these securely.